Winter Breeze Spritz

This wintry spritz cocktail, known as the Winter Breeze Spritz, is a delightful combination of bitter, bubbly flavors with a touch of low-alcohol content. Made with fortified wine, blood orange juice, and prosecco, it's the perfect drink to enjoy during the colder months. The refreshing citrus notes of blood orange complement the aromatic richness of the Cocchi Barolo Chinato and Cappelletti Aperitivo Americano, creating a balanced and flavorful cocktail that's sure to uplift your spirits.

Winter Breeze Spritz

A delightful wintry spritz cocktail with bitter, bubbly flavors and a hint of low-alcohol content, featuring fortified wine, blood orange juice, and prosecco.

4.13 from 44 votes


  • 1 oz blood orange juice
  • 1 oz Cocchi Barolo Chinato
  • 1/2 oz Cappelletti Aperitivo Americano
  • 1/2 oz vanilla syrup
  • Prosecco, to top
  • Ice
  • Blood orange half-wheel for garnish


  1. Combine blood orange juice, Cocchi Barolo Chinato, Cappelletti Aperitivo Americano, and vanilla syrup in a mixing tin.
  2. Add ice to the tin and shake until the mixture is chilled.
  3. Strain the cocktail over ice into a Collins glass.
  4. Top with prosecco.
  5. Garnish with a blood orange half-wheel.