Pimm's Perfect Garden Party Punch

This delightful Pimm's Perfect Garden Party Punch is a refreshing and customizable cocktail that perfectly suits any outdoor gathering. Pimm's No. 1, a classic British liqueur, is blended with an assortment of fresh fruits, mint, and fizzy lemonade to create a light and delightful beverage. The beauty of this cocktail lies in its versatility, allowing you to tailor it to your taste by adding your choice of chopped fruits and herbs. This recipe is perfect for entertaining with its vibrant colors and vibrant flavors, making it the ideal drink for a sunny day spent with friends.

Pimm's Perfect Garden Party Punch

A customizable and refreshing Pimm's cocktail with Pimm's No. 1, lemonade, and a variety of fresh fruits and herbs.

4.69 from 50 votes


  • 2 fl oz Pimm's No. 1
  • 4 fl oz lemonade
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Chopped strawberries
  • Orange slices
  • Cucumber slices
  • Ice


  1. Fill a large glass halfway with ice and add the chopped fruit and mint leaves.
  2. Pour the Pimm's over the ice and fruit.
  3. Top it off with the lemonade.
  4. Stir gently to combine all the ingredients.
  5. Garnish with a sprig of mint before serving.