Gin & Citrus Splash
This refreshing highball cocktail, famously mentioned in Snoop Dogg's 'Gin & Juice' song, is a delightful mix of gin and citrus juices. With a playful twist on the classic gin and juice combination, this cocktail is perfect for any occasion and allows you to customize the citrus flavors to suit your taste. Whether it's a sunny day or a lively gathering, the Gin & Citrus Splash brings a burst of fruity cheer to your glass.
Gin & Citrus Splash
A refreshing highball cocktail featuring gin and a lively mix of citrus juices.
Prep Time
1 mins
Cook Time
1 mins
Total Time
2 mins
- 1.50 oz Gin
- 3.50 oz Orange juice
- 1.50 oz Grapefruit juice
- 1 Orange wedge for garnish
- Prepare an orange wedge for garnish.
- Fill a highball glass with ice.
- Pour the gin, orange juice, and grapefruit juice into the glass.
- Use a bar spoon to gently stir the ingredients together.
- Garnish with the prepared orange wedge.