Blushing Almond Delight

This delightful cocktail combines the delightful flavors of almond, cocoa, and vanilla ice cream, creating a boozy and grown-up milkshake. With a touch of whipped cream on top, it's the perfect indulgence for a sweet tooth with a hint of sophistication.

Blushing Almond Delight

A delightful and boozy milkshake-like cocktail with almond, cocoa, and vanilla flavors, topped with whipped cream.

4.55 from 57 votes


  • 2 cups of vanilla ice cream
  • 1 oz of crème de noya
  • 1 oz of white crème de cacao
  • Whipped cream for garnish


  1. In a blender, blend together the vanilla ice cream, 1/2 oz of crème de noya, and the white crème de cacao until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture into a cocktail glass.
  3. Top with a dollop of whipped cream.
  4. Drizzle the remaining 1/2 oz of crème de noya over the whipped cream.
  5. Serve immediately and enjoy!