Black Forest Enchantment Martini

Deep, dark & mysterious, the Black Forest, a place where magic comes into being right before your eyes. The air, thick with pine & spruce, the earth, rich as cocoa. And the berries, as swollen and plump as a new-born's hands. This twist on a Martini is the perfect blend of verdant freshness, sweet & bitter. One to sip as the crisp sky begins to thicken with imminent snow clouds...

Black Forest Enchantment Martini

A twist on the classic Martini, the Black Forest Enchantment Martini is a perfect blend of verdant freshness, sweet & bitter, inspired by the deep, dark, and mysterious Black Forest.

4.53 from 29 votes
Prep Time 15 mins
Total Time 15 mins


  • 1 1/4 oz Empress Gin
  • 1/2 oz Crème de Cacao Blanc
  • 2/3 oz Maraschino Liqueur
  • 1/4 oz Spruce Syrup
  • 2 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters
  • Chocolate Dipped Figs and edible glitter to serve


  1. Start by making the spruce syrup. Layer sugar and spruce tips in a jar, then place on a sunny windowsill for 2 weeks, inverting the jar daily. Strain out the solids and store the syrup in the fridge.
  2. In a mixing glass, combine the gin, crème de cacao, maraschino liqueur, and spruce syrup with 4 ice cubes. Stir clockwise for 30 seconds to chill.
  3. Strain the mixture through a hawthorn strainer into a chilled martini glass.
  4. Serve garnished with a chocolate-dipped half fig and edible glitter.